The History of Canadian Muslims in Toronto Jane’s Walk : Sunday May 5 2024, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

The History of Canadian Muslims in Toronto Jane’s Walk


DATE : Sunday May 5 2024

TIME : 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

MEETING POINT : Dundas-Roncesvalles Peace Garden ( 2201 Dundas Street West at Roncesvalles Avenue opposite Boustead Avenue )

WALK LEADER : Holding Orange “Walk With Us” Jane’s Walk sign; wearing a Green Square🟩

NEAREST PUBLIC TRANSIT : TTC Surface Routes 504 and 505, South from Dundas West Subway Station

WALK END LOCATION : The Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto, 564 Annette Street ( Annette Street at Runnymede Avenue, Sidewalk west of intersection).


Following an Islamophobia incident in North York in late 2015,

HïMY SYeD led The History of Muslims in Toronto – A Special December Jane’s Walk a few days before Christmas.

It was well attended; much was learned, much was understood.

That very long walk was intended as a never-to-be-repeated event.

Yet Islamophobia persists… Quebec City Mosque Attack, and then Etobicoke, and then London.

This Jane’s Walk explains how 3rd, 4th, & 5th Generation Muslim Torontonians helped build our city.

This Jane’s Walk will visit four locations in the High Park neighbourhood and The Junction to reveal that history.

  • Toronto’s FIRST Halal Butcher Shop – Roncesvalles Village
  • Jami Mosque – Toronto’s Second Islamic Centre and its national significance
  • The little known history of The Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto – The pivotal role of its founder, Reggie Assim, Toronto's First Imam
  • The Dundas Street Mosque – The City’s First Masjid

NEW on this year's Jane's Walk :

  • The History of the First Synagogue in the old/former city of West Toronto


  • Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Arts and Culture
  • History and Places
  • People and Communities

ACCESSIBILITY : Busy sidewalks, Optional/Potential Indoor stops, Uneven terrain.

LANGUAGE : English