West Toronto – A Walk along High Park Avenue

West Toronto – A Walk along High Park Avenue

WALK LEADERS : Dan Leeming, Alex Taranu and the West Toronto Junction Historic Society (WTJHS)

DATE : Saturday May 4, 2024

WALK START TIME : 10:30 a.m.

WALK END TIME : 12:00 p.m.

WALK START LOCATION : Bloor West and High Park Avenue across from High Park Station

WALK END LOCATION : Dundas West and High Park Avenue


The walk will start at Bloor with an overview of the history and development of that area across the park, continue through a high rise community, stop at Glenlake, Humberside and Annette to look at the surrounding historic buildings, landmarks and current redevelopments, highlighting the diversity of housing and residents, and as a model for walkable, complete neighbourhoods.

The walk will end at Dundas at the lively Junction main street combining historic preservation and adaptive reuse, revitalization with redevelopment.

LANGUAGE : English


  • Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • History and Places
  • Lived experiences and personal perspectives
  • People and Communities


  • Relatively narrow sidewalks