The Incredible Dr. Doolittle and Toronto's (first) Bicycle Craze

The Incredible Dr. Doolittle and Toronto's (first) Bicycle Craze

WALK LEADER : Albert Koehl

DATE : Saturday May 4, 2024 - by bicycle (riding along bike lanes)


BIKE RIDE END TIME : 11:45 a.m.

DATE : Sunday May 5, 2024 - on foot

WALK START TIME : 11:00 a.m.

WALK END TIME : 12:45 P.m.

BIKE/WALK START LOCATION : Moss Park (across from Dr. Doolittle's house), Shuter and Sherbourne, SW corner

BIKE/WALK END LOCATION : We will end near the Castle Frank Subway station.


Join us in learning about the incredible Dr. Doolittle and Toronto's first Bicycle Craze!

You might be thinking of a different Dr. Doolittle,

…But no, we're talking about our own cycling champion and the 1896 president of The Toronto Cyclists' Association.

In the early days of the bicycle in Toronto, Dr. Doolittle was at the forefront of the fight for better cycling conditions during a period when the bicyle was transitioning from a luxury for the rich to a vehicle of everyday convenience.

The issues that preoccupied cyclists in the 1890s— and that we will discuss in the context of current debates—were very much the issues of today:

Experience the rich history of Toronto's cycling landscape and its impact on the present.

LANGUAGE : English