Six Points and Islington Village: The future is sustainable and engaging!

Six Points and Islington Village: The future is sustainable and engaging!

WALK LEADER : Stephanie Alexander

DATE : Saturday May 4, 2024

WALK START TIME : 10:30 a.m.

WALK END TIME : 12:00 p.m.

WALK START LOCATION : Mabelle Park along Mabelle Avenue

WALK END LOCATION : Dunkip Park (3780 Bloor Street West)


There is much to be excited about in Etobicoke Centre, which is being thoughtfully designed with a focus on social and environmental sustainability.

The area will soon feature new parks and community facilities, enhancing the local community's quality of life!

Come for a walk through the Islington Village, Mabelle Park, and Six Points to learn, and talk!

Learn at the construction site of the future Etobicoke Civic Centre how Geo-exchange will heat 1,200 apartments, visualize future Six Points parks, and see how storm water management measures in the streetscape help to mitigate flood risks and ensure new vegetation can thrive in urban environments.

Our walk will also explore community initiatives being deployed at the Centre of the densifying Mabelle neighbourhood through the MABELLEarts initiative.

We will also explore the transformation of Mabelle Park, which features a new clubhouse that builds on existing social infrastructure and acts as a catalyst for community building.

The approximately 1.3km walk will explore sustainability, placemaking and social cohesion themes, and will take us from Mabelle Park, through the Islington Village and to the future Six Points Parks and new Etobicoke Civic Centre.

LANGUAGE : English