Factories and Beyond: The Evolution of Leaside Business Park

WALK LEADERS : Geoff Kettel and Mitch Bubulj

DATE : Friday May 3, 2024

WALK START TIME : 7:00 p.m.

WALK END TIME : 8:30 p.m.

WALK START LOCATION : Leaside, Laird and McRae NW corner.

WALK END LOCATION : Leaside, Laird and McRae NW corner


Urban planners today talk a lot about “complete community”.

But one hundred years ago, they delivered.

Leaside was designed by the noted Montreal landscape architect Frederick Gage Todd in 1912 as a complete community.

And in those days, by “complete” they meant “homes AND jobs”.

Todd’s plan for the Town of Leaside designated residential uses (west side) and industrial uses (east side), separated by Laird Drive.

But since then the Leaside Business Park has been in constant change mode.

Come walk, learn and experience the evolution of the business park closest to Toronto's downtown.

And then come and discuss the experience with fellow walkers at The Leaside Pub.

LANGUAGE : English