Equity & Transportation Infrastructure in North Etobicoke

Equity & Transportation Infrastructure in North Etobicoke

WALK LEADERS : Kanchan Maharaj, Peter Stypa

DATE : Saturday May 4, 2024

WALK START TIME : 11:00 a.m.

WALK END TIME : 1:00 p.m.

WALK START LOCATION : North Humber Park, 2901 Kipling Avenue (at Kidron Valley Drive)

WALK END LOCATION : Humberview Park - 41 Panorama Court, East of Kipling Avenue


Join City Transportation staff for an equity and accessibility-based walk down the recently completed Kipling Avenue corridor and Multi-Use Trail.

You'll learn about the history of the area and the socio-economic factors that influenced the corridor re-design including an overview of the City's Cycling Network Plan and prioritization framework.

Then we’ll explore the multi-modal accessibility and safety features that were implemented.

You'll learn about the design of active (pedestrian and cycling) and motor vehicle transportation infrastructure including bikeways and trails, traffic & bike signals, roadways and public transit infrastructure.

We'll even show you the inside of a traffic signal controller cabinet.

Bring all your questions.

LANGUAGE : English