** [[Mississauga:|MISSISSAUGA]] ** ---- {{ :reconnecting_to_the_credit_-_history_hidden.jpg?400|Reconnecting to the Credit - history hidden}} ====== Reconnecting to the Credit - history hidden ====== **WALK LEADER** : Rahul Mehta, Founder, Sustainable Mississauga **DATE** : Sunday May 5, 2024 **WALK START TIME** : 8:00 a.m. **WALK END TIME** : 10:00 a.m. **WALK START LOCATION** : Municipal Parking Lot #1 (Front and Park street). **WALK END LOCATION** : Meet at the Port Credit canoe/kayak club ===== DESCRIPTION ===== The Credit River has a history long before the city known as Mississauga. The name of this once "sleepy suburb" comes from the Indigenous peoples (Anishinaabe) for whom this is their traditional territory, the Mississaugas of the Credit, as well as many other First Nations who have walked, lived and traded across these lands. We will speak of this sacred land and it's ancient history and peoples - still here and thriving today, by a kayak/canoe journey from the mouth of the Credit up to their most recent village lands - now a golf club. This will be a journey for us settlers to face uncomfortable truths on the nature of this city today, to learn from past mistakes and work towards true reconciliation. **REGISTER HERE** : [[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reconnecting-to-the-credit-history-hidden-tickets-893930970597|Eventbrite]] **LANGUAGE** : English **THEMEs** : * Advocacy and Politics * Environment and Sustainability * History and Places * Lived experiences and personal perspectives * People and Communities **ACCESSIBILITY** : * Personal health and safety will be top of mind for this trip * Personal non-motorized watercraft and pfd's are required for all participants